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Are Shiny Legendaries a Guaranteed Catch in Pokemon GO?

Are Shiny Legendaries a Guaranteed Catch in Pokemon GO?
Nic Weber

Last updated

Ever wondered if catching those shiny legendaries in Pokemon GO is a sure thing? Well, you’re not alone! Let’s dive right into the world of shiny legendary Pokemon and see what the chances are.

Are those glittering shiny legendaries guaranteed to be yours once you find them in Pokemon GO? That’s the big question every trainer wants answered.

Short Answer: No, But Almost!

Here’s the thing, shiny legendary Pokemon are not a 100% guaranteed catch. However, they are a lot easier to catch than their regular counterparts. When you encounter a shiny legendary during a raid, the catch rate is significantly higher. This doesn’t mean you can throw your Poke Ball any which way and expect success, but your chances are much, much better.

Why is this, you ask? Well, the game developers know how hard it is to come across these rare creatures. So, they’ve made it so when you do find one, bringing it into your collection isn’t as hard as finding it was. Remember, using Golden Razz Berries and making great throws can improve your chances even more!

How This Connects to Playbite

Now, you might be thinking, “That’s great, but what does this have to do with Playbite?” Well, let me tell you! On the Playbite app, you can play a bunch of fun games and earn rewards, including PokeCoins. Yes, you heard right! Those very PokeCoins you use in Pokemon GO to get more items like Poke Balls, which can help you catch more shiny legendaries!

So, why not give Playbite a try? You get to have fun and earn rewards that can help you on your Pokemon GO journey. It’s a win-win situation. Who knows, maybe those extra Poke Balls you get with your PokeCoins will be what you need to catch that elusive shiny legendary. Download the Playbite app now and start earning rewards!

Win PokeCoins by playing fun games on Playbite
Win PokeCoins by playing fun games on Playbite

In case you’re wondering: Playbite simply makes money from (not super annoying) ads and (totally optional) in-app purchases. It then uses that money to reward players with really cool prizes!

Join Playbite today!

Win PokeCoins by playing fun games on Playbite




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