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Can You Quicksave for Speech Checks in Fallout 4?

Can You Quicksave for Speech Checks in Fallout 4?

avatar Jessica Ferguson

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Honestly, just go with the flow. The whole quicksave before speech checks feels like cheating the system. Makes the game more exciting when you live with your choices... or maybe I just like to watch the world burn.

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Quick save? More like quick savvy! Fallout 4 doesn't just let you quicksave before a speech check, it practically encourages it with those unpredictable outcomes. Save early, save often, and may the odds of persuasion be ever in your favor.



Tried and tested! I've quicksaved before every major conversation, and it's a game changer. Especially handy for snagging those hard-to-win arguments without having to charm your way through from scratch every time. 10/10 would recommend.



Oh yeah, you absolutely can quicksave before diving into those tricky speech checks in Fallout 4. It's like having a conversation do-over card up your sleeve. So if you don't like the way the chat turned out, just reload and try again. Perfect for those of us who like to keep all our options (and dialogue paths) open!

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