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How do you build a Nether portal in Minecraft?

How do you build a Nether portal in Minecraft?
Diego Kafie

Last updated

Ever wanted to explore the spooky Nether realm in Minecraft but not sure how to get there? You’re in the right place! Let’s dive into how you can open the gateway to the Nether by building a Nether portal.

Wondering how to step into the mysterious Nether world in Minecraft? It all starts with creating a Nether portal, and we’ll show you exactly how!

Quick Steps to Building a Nether Portal

First things first, gather your materials. You’ll need at least 10 obsidian blocks and a flint and steel or a fire charge. Obsidian is a tough block that you can only mine with a diamond or netherite pickaxe, so make sure to have one on hand.

Next, it’s time to construct your portal. You’ll form a rectangular frame with the obsidian blocks – 4 blocks tall and 5 blocks wide. You can leave the corners out to save on materials; just ensure the frame stands and is complete! After setting up the frame, grab your flint and steel or fire charge and ignite one of the inside blocks of the frame. Voila! Your Nether portal ignites, and it’s time to explore the Nether!

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