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How Do You Create a Portal in Minecraft?

How Do You Create a Portal in Minecraft?
Stu Feldt

Last updated

Ever wondered how to create a portal in Minecraft? It’s a magical way to travel within the game’s vast world. Let’s dive straight into unraveling this mystery.

Creating a portal in Minecraft isn’t just cool; it’s your gateway to exploring new dimensions! So, how exactly do you go about it?

The Short Form Answer to Creating a Portal

To create a portal in Minecraft, you need to first decide which type of portal you want to build. The two most common types are the Nether Portal and the End Portal. For the Nether Portal, you will need obsidian blocks and a flint and steel to light it. The End Portal is a bit trickier, requiring you to find a stronghold and activate the portal with Eyes of Ender.

For the Nether Portal, you’ll start by gathering obsidian blocks, which you get by pouring water over lava. Then, you build a rectangular frame (4×5 minimum) and use flint and steel to ignite the portal. Voila! You’ve got your very own gateway to the Nether. The End Portal is more of a scavenger hunt, finding the fortress and filling the portal frame with Eyes of Ender to transport you to the end.

Linking Minecraft to Playbite

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