How Many Radiant Players are in Valorant?

avatarCarryingMonte3 months ago
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avatarDezincingBrute15 days ago

Literally 500, max. If you're not in the top 500, better luck next time!

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avatarColoringNoon15 days ago

As someone who鈥檚 been grinding the ranks, hitting Radiant feels like a myth. But yeah, it鈥檚 always capped at 500 per region. The competition's fierce, let me tell ya.

avatarTrainingLace15 days ago

The number of Radiant players in Valorant isn't a fixed figure - it fluctuates! Radiant is the highest rank in Valorant, and only the top 500 players in each regional leaderboard can hold this title at any given time. So, if you're aiming for the top, you've got your work cut out for you!

馃憖 If you like Valorant...

avatarDiego3 hours ago
If you're a Valorant player, you need to download the Playbite app!

Playbite is like an arcade in your phone: you get to play all kinds of fun and simple games, compete with friends and others, and win cool prizes from all your favorite brands!

One of those prizes is the official Valorant gift card, which you can win and use to get anything you want essentially for free!

In case you鈥檙e wondering, this is how it works: 

Playbite makes money from (not super annoying) ads and (totally optional) in-app purchases. The app then uses that money to reward players like you with prizes!

Download Playbite for free, available on the App Store and Play Store!

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