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How to Arrange Pokemon Cards in a Binder

How to Arrange Pokemon Cards in a Binder

avatar Tatiana Burgos

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Organizing your Pokemon cards in a binder really depends on what makes the most sense to you and how you want to show off your collection! A popular method is to sort them by set and within each set, organize them by their number. This way, it's easy to see which ones you're missing. Another approach is to sort them by type (Grass, Fire, Water, etc.) or by rarity (common, uncommon, rare). Some folks even like to arrange them in the order of their favorite to least favorite. It's your collection, so make it uniquely yours!

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I sort mine alphabetically within types, then put the rarest ones in the front of each section. It makes finding cards a breeze during trades, and showing off the gems of my collection first always impresses.



Honestly, just throw them in there. As long as you can find what you need, does it really matter? Keep it simple.



Pro tip: Always, and I mean always, use card sleeves before putting them in a binder. Helps keep them mint!

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