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How to Build a Nether Portal in Minecraft

How to Build a Nether Portal in Minecraft
Diego Kafie

Last updated

Ever wondered how to step into the mysterious Nether world in Minecraft? Building a Nether portal is your ticket to this fiery dimension.

Let’s dive into how you create this magical gateway. Building a Nether Portal is easier than it sounds and opens up a whole new dimension of adventure.

Quick Guide to Building a Nether Portal

To build a Nether Portal in Minecraft, you’ll need obsidian blocks and a fire source. First, you construct a vertical frame with the obsidian blocks. The smallest size needed is 4 blocks wide by 5 blocks tall. Then, ignite the center with a fire source, such as flint and steel, and voila, your Nether Portal comes to life!

Remember, you can mine obsidian by using a diamond or netherite pickaxe. If you don’t have one, it’s time for a little mining adventure. Once you’ve gathered your obsidian, arrange it in a rectangle, light it up, and step into the Nether!

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