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How to catch Leafeon in Pokemon Violet

How to catch Leafeon in Pokemon Violet

avatar Nic Weber

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Oh, you wanna snag a Leafeon? Easy peasy! Head over to the Mossy Rock in the Paldea region. Once you're there, have an Eevee in your party and just vibe near the rock. Voila! Your Eevee will feel the mossy vibes and evolve into Leafeon. Just make sure you're doing this dance during the daytime in the game; night time's a no-go for this evolution party.

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Just catch an Eevee and use a Leaf Stone on it. Bam, you got yourself a Leafeon. No need to wander looking for some specific rock.



Honestly, evolving Eevee with a Mossy Rock gives it that authentic evolution feel. Tried it, and my Eevee evolved into a Leafeon right before my eyes. Felt like a proud Pokémon parent!

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