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How to Create Wrapped Candies in Candy Crush

How to Create Wrapped Candies in Candy Crush
Tatiana Burgos

Last updated

Ever wondered how to make those exciting wrapped candies in Candy Crush? You’re in the right place to find out!

Wrapped candies in Candy Crush are super cool and can help you clear more candies at once. But how do you make them?

Short and Sweet: Making Wrapped Candies

Making wrapped candies in Candy Crush is simpler than you might think. All you have to do is match five candies in an L, T, or + shape. That’s it!

When you arrange the candies in one of these shapes, the magic happens, and you get a wrapped candy. This special candy can explode twice, clearing more candies and helping you score higher points or meet your level objectives faster.

Wrapped Candies and Their Power

Wrapped candies are not just regular candies; they are powerhouses! When activated, a wrapped candy will explode and clear the candies around it, and then it explodes again for a second wave of clearing. This makes them incredibly useful for those tricky levels where you need a big burst of candy-clearing power.

The best part? You can combine wrapped candies with other special candies for even more explosive results. Imagine combining a wrapped candy with a striped candy – the result is a mega-clearance that can get you through the toughest levels.

Win Wrapped Candies and More with Playbite

Love Candy Crush and all the dazzling candies it offers? What if you could earn rewards while playing games like Candy Crush? Enter Playbite, the app that rewards you for playing casual games.

By downloading the Playbite app, you not only get the joy of playing fun games but also stand a chance to win official App Store and Play Store gift cards. These gift cards can then be used to get more lives, gold bars, or any in-app currencies in Candy Crush. Imagine having those extra lives or gold bars to buy the power-ups you need to beat those particularly tricky levels! The fun never has to stop.

Win Candy Crush Gold Bars by playing games on Playbite
Win Candy Crush Gold Bars by playing games on Playbite

In case you’re wondering: Playbite simply makes money from (not super annoying) ads and (totally optional) in-app purchases. It then uses that money to reward players with really cool prizes!

Join Playbite today!

Win Candy Crush Gold Bars by playing games on Playbite




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