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How to Delete Blocks in Minecraft Using Commands

How to Delete Blocks in Minecraft Using Commands
Tatiana Burgos

Last updated

Ever found yourself wondering how you can clear out blocks in Minecraft with just a command? You’re in the right place!

Let’s dive into how to delete blocks in Minecraft using a simple command.

Quick Guide: Deleting Blocks With a Command

Deleting blocks in Minecraft is straightforward with the use of commands. The primary command you need is /fill.

To remove blocks, you’ll target a specific area and fill it with air, essentially ‘deleting’ the blocks. For example, /fill x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2 air replaces the blocks in the specified area with air, removing them. Remember, ‘x1 y1 z1’ and ‘x2 y2 z2’ are the coordinates of the corners of the area you want to clear.

Deleting Blocks and Playbite: A Winning Combo

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