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How to Get Better FPS in CS:GO Through Console Commands

How to Get Better FPS in CS:GO Through Console Commands

avatar Jessica Ferguson

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Just set everything to low lol. Seriously, drop all your settings to low, and your FPS will shoot up.

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Boosting your FPS in CS:GO can really up your game, and it's all about tweaking the right settings in the console. Start by opening the console (`~` key) and enter `cl_showfps 1` to see your current FPS. Then, try these commands: `fps_max 0` to remove the FPS cap, `r_drawparticles 0` to reduce distractions, and `mat_queue_mode -1` for better CPU usage. Also, adjust your video settings to low for a noticeable FPS boost without sacrificing too much on visuals!



As someone who's clocked way too many hours on CS:GO, the best advice I can give for boosting FPS is to make sure you're not running any unnecessary background applications. Use the `fps_max 300` command to give your game room to breathe. High FPS is crucial in a fast-paced game like CS:GO, where every millisecond counts.



Honestly, messing with console commands for FPS is overrated. Just get a better PC.

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