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How to Make a Potion of Strength in Minecraft

How to Make a Potion of Strength in Minecraft
Tatiana Burgos

Last updated

Ever wonder how to brew up a potion that gives you a serious power boost in Minecraft? You’re not alone! Many adventurers seek the secret to crafting a Potion of Strength to face the game’s challenges head-on.

Let’s dive right into the nitty-gritty of brewing a powerful Potion of Strength in Minecraft, a handy concoction that can give you the upper hand in battles and monster encounters.

The Quick Guide to Brewing Strength Potions

To make a Potion of Strength, you first need a Brewing Stand. If you don’t have one, you can craft it using a Blaze Rod and three Cobblestones. Next up, gather your ingredients: Blaze Powder (to fuel the Brewing Stand), 1 Water Bottle, Nether Wart, and Blaze Powder (yes, again, but this time as a key ingredient).

Start by adding the Blaze Powder to fuel the Brewing Stand, then place your Water Bottle in one of the bottom slots. Add the Nether Wart to the top slot, which will brew an Awkward Potion. Finally, add the Blaze Powder as an ingredient to transform the Awkward Potion into a Potion of Strength!

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