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How to Make Invisibility Potions in Minecraft

How to Make Invisibility Potions in Minecraft
Tatiana Burgos

Last updated

Ever wondered how to become invisible in Minecraft and sneak past enemies or friends? You’re in the right place!

Let’s dive into how you can make invisibility potions to vanish and pull off sneaky maneuvers in Minecraft.

The Simple Steps to Brew Invisibility Potions

First off, to craft an invisibility potion, you need a Brewing Stand. If you don’t have one yet, you can make it using a Blaze Rod from the Nether and 3 cobblestones.

Here’s what you need to gather:
– A Potion of Night Vision
– A Fermented Spider Eye
– Blaze Powder (as fuel for the Brewing Stand)

Start by adding the Blaze Powder to fuel the Brewing Stand. Place the Potion of Night Vision in one of the bottom slots, and the Fermented Spider Eye at the top. Wait for the brewing process to complete, and voilà, you have your Invisibility Potion!

Turning Invisibility Dreams into Playbite Wins

Now that you know how to blend into the Minecraft environment, why not blend some fun into your game time with Playbite? Playbite is an app where playing fun games can earn you awesome rewards, like official Minecraft Gift Cards!

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