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How to Make Letters with Walls in Clash of Clans

How to Make Letters with Walls in Clash of Clans
Tatiana Burgos

Last updated

Ever wondered how to make letters with walls in Clash of Clans? You’re not alone! It’s a cool way to personalize your village and show off your creativity.

Let’s dive into how you can use walls to spell out words or create amazing designs in your Clash of Clans village.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Letters

Creating letters with walls in Clash of Clans is simpler than you might think. First, you’ll need to gather enough walls to form your desired letters. Remember, the more complex the letter, the more walls you’ll need.

Start by planning your design on a piece of paper or a digital drawing app. This will help you visualize how many walls you’ll need for each letter. Then, carefully position the walls in your village to form the letters. It might take some tweaking to get it just right, so don’t worry if it’s not perfect on the first try!

Bringing Playfulness to Your Village with Playbite

Wanna spice up your Clash of Clans experience? How about earning in-game currencies like Gold, Elixir, Dark Elixir, and gems while having fun? With Playbite, you can play casual mobile games and win these resources! It’s a fantastic way to keep your village growing while enjoying a variety of games. Download the Playbite app now and start earning rewards for your Clash of Clans village.

Get Clash of Clans Gems for playing games on Playbite
Get Clash of Clans Gems for playing games on Playbite

In case you’re wondering: Playbite simply makes money from (not super annoying) ads and (totally optional) in-app purchases. It then uses that money to reward players with really cool prizes!

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