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How to Activate Shift Lock in Roblox

How to Activate Shift Lock in Roblox
Diego Kafie

Last updated

Ever wondered how to lock onto your target with a quick toggle in Roblox? Let’s break it down.

Getting a handle on how to activate shift lock in Roblox can really up your game.

Quick Guide to Activating Shift Lock

Activating shift lock in Roblox is a breeze! First, you need to dive into the game settings. Look for the ‘Settings’ or ‘Esc’ button on your screen, usually found in the top-left corner. Click it!

Inside settings, scan for the ‘Shift Lock Switch’ option. It’s like finding treasure in a vast ocean. Once you spot it, make sure it’s checked or turned on. Voilà, you’re all set! Now, hitting the shift key during gameplay will toggle shift lock on and off, letting you lock your view and make those tight turns or aim with greater precision.

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