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How to teleport in GTA 5

How to teleport in GTA 5

avatar Tatiana Burgos

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No legit way to teleport in GTA 5, guys. It's all about driving, flying, or sailing to your destination. Immersion, you know? But hey, if you're all about that speed, look into mods for single-player. Just saying.

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Teleporting in GTA 5 isn't a built-in game feature like in your standard fantasy RPG, but you can get creative. If you're playing on PC, mods are the way to go. There's a bunch out there that let you teleport to predefined locations or anywhere on the map with a few keystrokes. Just remember, modding can be a gray area – especially online, so keep it to single-player to avoid any ban hammer woes.



For those asking about teleporting in GTA 5 without mods, the closest thing you've got is using a taxi. Yeah, not exactly teleporting, but it's in-game, safe, and gets you where you need to go fast. Just hop in, choose your destination, and skip the ride. Voila, you're practically there in no time.

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