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What Is Better: Galahad vs. Lancelot in Walking War Robots?

What Is Better: Galahad vs. Lancelot in Walking War Robots?
Jessica Ferguson

Last updated

Ever wondered in the thrilling world of Walking War Robots which giant metal warrior reigns supreme between Galahad and Lancelot? Let’s dive into this armored debate!

If you’re caught in the crossfire of deciding between the Galahad and Lancelot mechs for your next battle, you’re not alone. Both are fierce contenders in the arena.

Short Form Answer: It Depends on Your Play Style

Choosing between Galahad and Lancelot truly boils down to your play style. Galahad, with its quick mobility and strong shield, is excellent for hit-and-run tactics. Meanwhile, Lancelot shines with its high durability and firepower, perfect for head-on confrontations.

Galahad excels in scenarios requiring fast movement and precise strikes, allowing players to dodge enemy fire effectively. On the other side, Lancelot’s robust armor and powerful weaponry make it a formidable opponent in direct fights, capable of withstanding significant damage while dishing out its own.

Galahad vs. Lancelot: Join the Battle on Playbite

Can’t decide between Galahad and Lancelot? Why not jump into Playbite and potentially earn rewards to support your War Robots journey? Download the Playbite app to play casual games, earn points, and win prizes like official App Store and Google Play Store gift cards. These can be used to snag in-game currencies in War Robots, empowering your mech arsenal whether you roll with Galahad, Lancelot, or both!

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