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What Is Better in War Robots: Haechi or Bulgasari?

What Is Better in War Robots: Haechi or Bulgasari?
Jessica Ferguson

Last updated

Are you torn between the Haechi and Bulgasari robots in War Robots? It’s a common question for players looking to upgrade their arsenal. Let’s dive into which robot might be the better choice for your gaming style.

Which powerhouse should you add to your team, the Haechi or the Bulgasari? We’re here to break it down for you.

The Verdict: Choosing Between Haechi and Bulgasari

Choosing between Haechi and Bulgasari comes down to your playstyle and what you value in the game. The Haechi, with its quick agility and powerful shield, is fantastic for players who love hit-and-run tactics. On the other hand, the Bulgasari, with its stronger shield and higher firepower potential, is perfect for those who prefer a more defensive style.

Both robots offer unique advantages, but the Bulgasari’s ability to withstand more damage and pack a heavier punch might edge it out slightly for many players. However, the Haechi shouldn’t be underestimated, especially for those who can master its speed and use it to outmaneuver opponents.

Why Haechi or Bulgasari Might Be Your Next Big Win on Playbite

Whether you’re a Haechi lover or a Bulgasari fan, did you know you could potentially win in-game currencies for War Robots just by playing casual games? That’s right! With Playbite, you can play fun games and earn rewards like official App Store and Google Play Store gift cards. These can be used in the War Robots in-game store, possibly giving you the edge you need, regardless of your robot of choice. So why not give it a shot and potentially upgrade your War Robots experience?

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