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What Is Better in War Robots: The Lancealot or the Bulchasaur?

What Is Better in War Robots: The Lancealot or the Bulchasaur?
Tatiana Burgos

Last updated

Curious about the mighty robots of War Robots and can’t decide between the Lancealot or the Bulchasaur? Let’s settle this robotic rumble once and for all!

So, you’re scratching your head, wondering which mechanical giant takes the crown in War Robots: the Lancealot or the Bulchasaur? Well, you’ve come to the right place for answers!

Lancealot vs. Bulchasaur: The Showdown

The Lancealot, known for its shield and versatility in battle, shines in both offense and defense. Its strength lies in its ability to absorb damage while dishing out punishment. This makes the Lancealot a formidable opponent on any battlefield.

On the other side, we have the Bulchasaur, a beast known for its devastating firepower. With the ability to equip multiple heavy weapons, the Bulchasaur can unleash a barrage of destruction onto its enemies, making it a terror in open combat.

Choosing Your Battle Companion

Choosing between the Lancealot and the Bulchasaur boils down to your playstyle. If you prefer a balanced approach, able to push forward while also playing defensively, the Lancealot is your go-to. However, if you revel in the chaos of battle and prefer to obliterate your foes before they know what hit them, the Bulchasaur will serve you well.

Remember, both robots offer unique advantages and choosing one does not mean the other is inferior. It’s all about how you use them on the battlefield.

Win Big with Playbite and War Robots

Feel the thrill of piloting your very own Lancealot or Bulchasaur by jumping into War Robots. And guess what? With Playbite, you can win official App Store and Google Play Store gift cards that can be exchanged for Gold and Silver in War Robots. That means more upgrades for your favorite robots!

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