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What Is Damage Per Second in Clash of Clans?

What Is Damage Per Second in Clash of Clans?
Jessica Ferguson

Last updated

Ever wondered what the term ‘damage per second’ or DPS means in Clash of Clans? You’re about to find out! This key game concept is essential for mastering your attacks and defenses.

Let’s break down the idea of damage per second (DPS) in Clash of Clans and understand why it’s such a crucial element of the game.

The Short and Sweet Answer

Damage per second, or DPS, is a measure of how much damage a troop or defense structure can deal in one second. It’s a way of understanding the firepower you have at your disposal.

Each troop and defense structure in Clash of Clans has its own DPS. This figure helps players decide which units to deploy in battles, based on how quickly they can take down enemy buildings or troops.

How Damage Per Second Connects You to Playbite

Now, what if we told you that understanding DPS in Clash of Clans could also earn you rewards? That’s where Playbite comes in. By playing casual mobile games on the Playbite app, Clash of Clans players can earn in-game currencies like Gold, Elixir, Dark Elixir, and gems.

So, not only can you become a master of DPS in Clash of Clans, but you can also enjoy fun games on Playbite that help you earn valuable resources for your village. Ready to boost your gameplay? Download the Playbite app now and start earning rewards!

Get Clash of Clans Gems for playing games on Playbite
Get Clash of Clans Gems for playing games on Playbite

In case you’re wondering: Playbite simply makes money from (not super annoying) ads and (totally optional) in-app purchases. It then uses that money to reward players with really cool prizes!

Join Playbite today!

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