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What is Weapon Debris in Fallout 4?

What is Weapon Debris in Fallout 4?

avatar Tatiana Burgos

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It's just eye candy, IMO. Looks cool but doesn't really change gameplay. If you're all about those fps, you might wanna turn it off.

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Weapon debris in Fallout 4 is a cool graphical feature that adds extra realism to the game. When you're in combat, you'll see bits and pieces flying off when you shoot or when explosions happen. It makes the gunfights and the overall atmosphere feel more intense and immersive. Just make sure your PC or console can handle it, as it may affect performance on lower-end systems.



As someone who's spent WAY too much time in the wasteland, I can say weapon debris adds a lot to the immersion. There's something satisfying about seeing the aftermath of a battle, debris scattered around, making each encounter feel unique.

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