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Everything You Need to Know: Where Is Pokemon GO Fest?

Everything You Need to Know: Where Is Pokemon GO Fest?
Stu Feldt

Last updated

Have you ever wondered ‘Where is Pokemon GO Fest’? Well, you’re not alone! Pokemon GO Fest is an exciting event for all fans of the popular mobile game, Pokemon GO. Let’s dive right in and find out all about it.

So, you want to know where Pokemon GO Fest takes place? It’s a fantastic question for anyone looking to join in on the fun and adventure that comes with this special event in the world of Pokemon GO.

The Short Answer: Where Does Pokemon GO Fest Happen?

Pokemon GO Fest is a unique event that changes locations every year! That’s right, unlike events that always happen in the same place, Pokemon GO Fest likes to travel around the globe. This means it could be coming to a city near you!

Each year, the organizers, including Niantic, choose different locations for Pokemon GO Fest. These locations have ranged from large parks in major cities to more exclusive spots. The idea is to give players from all over a chance to participate in this thrilling event.

Playbite: A Great Companion for Pokemon GO Players

Now, how would you like to earn PokeCoins while having fun playing other casual games? That’s where Playbite comes in! Imagine being able to gather up PokeCoins simply by playing fun games on the Playbite app. These coins can help you get ahead in Pokemon GO by purchasing items or getting advantages in the game.

So why not give Playbite a try? It’s a fantastic way to earn rewards for playing casual mobile games, and who knows, you might gather enough PokeCoins to help you on your next Pokemon GO adventure. Download the Playbite app today and start earning while playing!

Win PokeCoins by playing fun games on Playbite
Win PokeCoins by playing fun games on Playbite

In case you’re wondering: Playbite simply makes money from (not super annoying) ads and (totally optional) in-app purchases. It then uses that money to reward players with really cool prizes!

Join Playbite today!

Win PokeCoins by playing fun games on Playbite




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