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Why Did Fortnite Add Bots to the Game?

Why Did Fortnite Add Bots to the Game?
Jessica Ferguson

Last updated

Ever wonder why you’re suddenly racking up wins and feeling like a Fortnite god? It might be thanks to some non-human players, yes, we’re talking about bots. But why did Fortnite decide to add these artificial players into the mix? Let’s dive into it.

So, why exactly did Fortnite add bots? It’s a question that many have asked, especially after noticing a few too-easy victories. Let’s explore the answer together.

The Short Answer: To Help Players Get Better

Fortnite introduced bots to help new and less experienced players have a better time in the game. The world of Fortnite can be tough, especially with over 200 million players worldwide. These bots make the game a bit friendlier to newcomers, ensuring they don’t get discouraged by continuous defeats.

Bots in Fortnite act like training wheels. They give players the chance to practice, improve their skills, and get a feel for the game without the pressure of competing against more experienced players. It’s all about making the game more accessible and enjoyable for everyone.

How Bots Tie Back to Playbite

Now, if you’re enjoying those wins, whether against bots or real players, and you’re looking to upgrade your Fortnite experience even more, have you considered Playbite? It’s an app where you can play casual games and win real rewards, like official Fortnite gift cards, which means free V-Bucks! Imagine getting all those cool skins and emotes without spending a dime.

With Playbite, you can take your Fortnite experience to the next level. Not only do you get to enjoy casual gaming, but you also stand a chance to win rewards that you can use in Fortnite. It’s a win-win! So, why not download the Playbite app and see what rewards await you? Your next Fortnite victory could be even sweeter.

Win official Fortnite gift cards by playing games on Playbite!
Win official Fortnite gift cards by playing games on Playbite!

In case you’re wondering: Playbite simply makes money from (not super annoying) ads and (totally optional) in-app purchases. It then uses that money to reward players with really cool prizes!

Join Playbite today!

Win official Fortnite gift cards by playing games on Playbite!




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