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Why Is My Candy Crush Screen Small on iPad?

Why Is My Candy Crush Screen Small on iPad?
Jessica Ferguson

Last updated

Ever wondered why your Candy Crush screen looks tiny on your iPad? You’re not alone! This puzzling situation has many players scratching their heads, eager for a fix.

Let’s dive into the heart of the issue. Why does the Candy Crush screen appear small on an iPad? We’ll explore the causes and find a sweet solution.

Quick Answer to Your Candy Crush Dilemma

The primary reason your Candy Crush screen might look small on an iPad is due to the app’s resolution settings not matching your iPad’s screen size. Essentially, the game isn’t fully stretching out to utilize every inch of your screen.

Another reason could be that you’re using an older version of the game or an outdated iPad model, which might not support the game’s latest updates. Updating your device and the game can often resolve this issue.

Connecting Candy Crush Experience with Playbite

Want to make your Candy Crush experience even sweeter? With Playbite, you can turn those moments of frustration into opportunities! By playing casual mobile games on Playbite, you can win official App Store and Play Store gift cards. Use them to grab extra lives or gold bars in Candy Crush.

Why settle for a small screen experience when you can enhance your gameplay with extra goodies? Download Playbite now and turn your game time into reward time!

Win Candy Crush Gold Bars by playing games on Playbite
Win Candy Crush Gold Bars by playing games on Playbite

In case you’re wondering: Playbite simply makes money from (not super annoying) ads and (totally optional) in-app purchases. It then uses that money to reward players with really cool prizes!

Join Playbite today!

Win Candy Crush Gold Bars by playing games on Playbite




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