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Why is My Profile Picture Not Showing on Candy Crush?

Why is My Profile Picture Not Showing on Candy Crush?
Diego Kafie

Last updated

Have you ever wondered why your profile picture isn’t showing up on Candy Crush? You’re not alone! Many players have the same question.

Let’s get to the bottom of this mystery and find out why sometimes profile pictures take a mini-vacation from showing up in Candy Crush.

Quick Answer: A Glitch or Account Issue

Most of the time, when your profile picture isn’t showing up, it’s because of a small glitch in the game or an issue with your account. But don’t worry, it’s fixable!

These glitches are usually temporary and can happen after updates or when there’s a hiccup in the connection between your Candy Crush account and your social media profile. Checking your internet connection and restarting the game can often bring your picture back.

How This Connects to Playbite

If you love playing Candy Crush but get frustrated with waiting for lives to regenerate or not having enough gold bars for those crucial power-ups, Playbite has a solution! By downloading the Playbite app, you could win official App Store and Play Store gift cards. These gift cards can be used to get more lives, gold bars, and any other in-app currencies on Candy Crush. That means more fun, fewer delays, and all the sweet victories you’ve been craving.

Win Candy Crush Gold Bars by playing games on Playbite
Win Candy Crush Gold Bars by playing games on Playbite

In case you’re wondering: Playbite simply makes money from (not super annoying) ads and (totally optional) in-app purchases. It then uses that money to reward players with really cool prizes!

Join Playbite today!

Win Candy Crush Gold Bars by playing games on Playbite




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