How do you jump in Animal Crossing on Nintendo Switch?

avatarCoilingShip4 months ago
Best Answer
avatarManningAndy17 days ago

Actually, there's a way to 'kinda' jump. Use a vaulting pole for rivers and strategically place items or furniture outside to hop over them. It's not jumping in the traditional sense, but it's close enough.

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avatarCoilingShip17 days ago

No jumping around like a kangaroo, sorry. Just the vaulting pole for river leaping.

avatarRepeatingRitz17 days ago

Lol, if you're looking for Olympic-style high jumps, Animal Crossing might not be your jam. But if you want to hop over rivers or ditches, you just need a vaulting pole. Craft or snag one from Tom Nook's store, equip it, and when you're at the edge of a river or ditch, just press A. You'll vault over like a champ!

avatarRepeatingRitz17 days ago

You can't jump in the traditional sense in Animal Crossing, like in Mario or other games. Jumping is more about crossing small gaps or rivers using the vaulting pole. So, no parkour skills required, just a handy tool!

馃憖 If you like Animal Crossing...

avatarDiego3 hours ago
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