How much is Tears of the Kingdom Collector's Edition?

avatarTabulatingMadam3 months ago
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avatarPassingDada19 days ago

The Tears of the Kingdom Collector's Edition price varies depending on where you buy it from, but it's generally in the ballpark of $129.99 USD at most retailers. This edition usually comes packed with some cool extras like an art book, steelbook case, and other goodies, totally worth it for hardcore fans!

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avatarTabulatingMadam19 days ago

Way too pricey for what you get IMO. Stick to the standard edition.

avatarSignalingCloud19 days ago

Just snagged mine for $129.99! Comes with an art book, a steelbook case, and some other neat stuff. Prices might vary a bit depending on the retailer, but that's the gist.

馃憖 If you like Tears of the Kingdom...

avatarDiego3 hours ago
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