Are Hounds Now Considered Dogs in MTG?

avatarAttallingHalt·2 months ago
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avatarRuingMite·2 months ago

Yep, they totally are! Wizards of the Coast decided to update their creature types and officially made all hounds into dogs. This change happened a while back to streamline and standardize the creature types. So, if you've got a deck full of hounds, congrats, you're now the proud owner of a bunch of good boys!

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avatarRatingLink·2 months ago

Actually, this was a fantastic move. Before, hounds and dogs were considered different creature types which was kinda confusing. Now, it's all simplified under 'dog,' which makes deck building and synergy finding a lot smoother. Plus, who doesn't want more dogs in their life?

👀 If you like Magic the Gathering...

avatarDiego·3 hours ago
If you're an MTG player, you need to download the Playbite app!

Playbite is like an arcade in your phone: you get to play all kinds of fun and simple games, compete with friends and others, and win cool prizes from all your favorite brands!

One of those prizes is a pack of MTG cards, which you can win and get sent to you essentially for free!

In case you’re wondering, this is how it works: 

Playbite makes money from (not super annoying) ads and (totally optional) in-app purchases. The app then uses that money to reward players like you with prizes!

Download Playbite for free, available on the App Store and Play Store!

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