What is Cloak in Magic The Gathering?

avatarMuggingCreek2 months ago
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avatarCaringEthos2 months ago

Cloak in MTG usually refers to a type of enchantment that you can attach to creatures to give them various bonuses or abilities. It's not a specific card but more of a category of cards that essentially 'cloak' your creature in some form of protection or enhancement, like making them unblockable or giving them hexproof.

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avatarArisingWard2 months ago

Actually, 'cloak' isn't a card. It's a term players use for enchantments that beef up your creatures. Gives them a bit of swagger and some extra muscle in battles. So, if someone says they're gonna cloak their creature, they're about to make it tough to beat.

avatarPressingDesk2 months ago

Ain't no specific card called 'Cloak' in Magic The Gathering. It's more like a slang for enchantment cards that you slap onto your creatures to beef them up or protect them. Kinda like putting on an invisibility cloak, but for your dragons and goblins.

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avatarDiego3 hours ago
If you're an MTG player, you need to download the Playbite app!

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